An Inner Journey

This year we have had a big Inner Journey because I was found to have breast cancer in march and have spent the last six months or so in various treatments. This is an Inner Journey for everyone closely involved, of course.
I have attached a drawing from my sketch book from 8 June, called "You wish...":
1/ you wish you had a breast plate for defense against bugs and barbs and the cold that insinuates.
2/ you wish you had a map with all the paths including where you are right now.
3/ you wish you had a mom getting custard tarts out of the oven and mis-understanding you.
4/ you wish for the pure water that cleans and slakes and takes away the terrible dead-metal taste.
I have finished treatment now and am in transition. This means i and my body just need some time to catch up. But to what? with whom? Where am I going?
My Inner Journey seems to be about trusting some inviolable innerness.
Love from Robyn