Planet Creature and After Maeve

Frank Coughlan and Robyn Brady are parents of Maeve who was killed in a road accident, at age 10, in November 2003. Jan Cattoni is a friend and documentary film Director of After Maeve: a film about the family and Maeve's friends following her death. The film is generating much interest internationally. This blog is for Frank, Robyn and Jan to offer thoughts as the film and the Planet Creature website are viewed by audiences in different countries.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Learning from difficulty

One of the things I have learned in the past few years is that it is really only through difficulty that some things are learned. Our culture doesn't seem to acknowledge this, and we certainly don't wish difficulties for our children, in fact we do all we can to avoid them being placed in a situation which leaves them feeling uncomfortable. But I know that many of the things I drew on in facing Maeve's death had been developed during previous hard times, for example during depression in my teens, and during the period of hard work and adjustment after Tara was born with Down syndrome.
I also know that the person that I become through each hard time feels more rich and interesting and grounded than before. (Though not straight away!)
Maybe we should wish that we/ our children/ people could be given the resources to grow through their difficulties, instead of wishing to spare them from them.


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